
Some comments from some of the adults, children and parents I work with, and from people who’ve attended my courses and workshops.


Jon, you really supported me through dark times following my husband’s death. Now I feel better able to cope with life again – a big thank you.

CRP, Chiswick.

I’m so grateful for your help after feeling browbeaten at work. Therapy saved me from my usual collapse. Instead you taught me to stand up for myself: now I’m staying put!

SP, New Zealand

Thank you for seeing me as a person – not a bag of symptoms.

JD, London.

You taught me to slow down, to live in the present and start making my own choices. Many thanks.

AT, Richmond.

Children & adolescents

Jon – you’re all right. For an old geezer, you really got me!

TS, aged 16.

Thank you for helping me find my voice and manage my big worry problem. I’m not bullied now and feel OK at school again.

CB, Year 9 pupil who had become selectively mute.

I’m happy now I can talk about things – helps me get calm when I worry about stuff…

RS, Year 11 pupil panicking about exams, Chiswick.

I’m making new friends. It's nice ‘cos they like me, I don't feel lonely now.

JP, Year 9 pupil settling into a new neighbourhood and school, Surrey.


A big thank you for helping our Year 7s mourn the tragic death of a classmate. They seem more able now to talk about their grief through the gentle therapeutic work you did with us using music, drawing and ritual.

KB, Headmistress, Berkshire.

Thank you so much for the fantastic contribution your psychotherapy has made to our family. my daughter and I really appreciated your professional and caring approach.

SR, parent of a child with Aspergers Syndrome, Buckinghamshire.

Arts-based courses and workshops

Jon has a wealth of expertise, skill and knowledge at his fingertips that is professionally delivered.

FB, musician and play therapist, Brighton.

The course material was interesting, accessible and fun. It’s given me confidence to incorporate using arts methods in my work.

RT, special needs teacher, Devon.

An amazing course! The week was a real gift – I learned lots!

AM, counsellor, Brighton.

Your insightful observations about how we were relating in the group has helped with restructuring my sessions with mothers and toddlers – thanks again!

EH, early years music teacher, London.

Your heartful work with teens has equipped me to work more creatively with young fire setters.

MT, Pastoral care worker, London Fire Brigade.

Jon has a wide musical register to draw on and responds spontaneously and sensitively to people’s moods. Recommended!

JS, psychotherapist, London.

Loved the theory and practical combination - a lot covered in a short period. I liked the ‘humanness’ of the approach. Able to participate and interact as a group of equals.


I really liked the mix of experiential work and theory. Nothing was irrelevant!


Teaching was perfect!


When Jon talked about his own experiences with his clients it helped me a lot.


Great variety: teaching, experimental/experiential – brilliant! Good pace, really helpful sessions. Plenty of chance to have a go, try new things, ask questions, share in the group. Great handbook.


Good mix of different inputs, tutors, experiences, exercises. Jon was generous in sharing his experience and knowledge.


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