About Gestalt Arts Counselling & Psychotherapy

Booking now!

Violet Oaklander approach to working with children and young people
– 2-day workshop (Oct 2024)
– 9-day intensive (2025)

How I can help

My name is Jon Blend and I’m an experienced adult, child and adolescent psychotherapist based in Acton, West London. My background includes 40 years working creatively in the NHS and in the community with adults, children and families.

Over the years I have developed a unique way of helping people explore troublesome or unproductive aspects of their lives, known as Gestalt Arts Counselling & Psychotherapy. This respectful, conversational therapy approach enables people to make effective, richer, more satisfying life choices.

This arts-based integrative approach also draws inspiration from attachment and family systems theories and neuroscience. It assists people to develop a better understanding of themselves through awareness, and helps them find relational ways of being and belonging.

Where I work

Most of my therapy, counselling and supervision takes place in person at my West London practice (see map and my location page). I also offer ‘walk and talk’ counselling sessions outdoors, in nearby Acton Park.

I offer some counselling and clinical supervision online. However, I usually meet such clients or supervisees in person first at my practice in W3. This is to help us become acquainted and clarify the nature and scope of our work together.

I also work in person and online as a trainer and a keynote speaker, in UK and abroad.

Why an arts-based therapy approach?

Sometimes it can feel hard to communicate important personal experiences using words alone. Gestalt Arts Counselling & Psychotherapy offers a particular ‘experience-near’ way of exploring concerns through the additional use of arts materials. This may include working with drawing, paint, clay or the sand tray to illustrate a scene of personal relevance or examine a dilemma. Creative writing, haiku, journaling, memoir and dreamwork may similarly provide focus.

I am also a musician and utilise Lifemusic, an improvisational form of music-making that uses percussion and voice. Other arts modalities include lyric writing, puppets, gesture and movement.

Regardless of age or background, working with the arts helps free up our ability to communicate, enabling us to express clearly our needs and desires. When these experiences can be appreciated, witnessed and spoken about in a dialogue we may feel supported and understood.

Canine-assisted therapy

Coco the dogCoco, my ‘canine assistant’ is likely to be present during many face-to-face sessions.

She is friendly, hypoallergenic, and well trained.

Most people find her presence supportive. However, if this is problematic for any reason, please me know.

COVID-19 update

With the easing of coronavirus restrictions, I have returned to working in person with clients and supervisees in a well-ventilated, socially distanced space (see COVID safety protocol).

I’ve put together some helpful resources for children and families coping with adversity during and after the pandemic:

See my Coronavirus news and resources page for more details


As a psychotherapist I aim to provide a safe, confidential environment within which we can explore together the difficulties that concern you. I seek to relate to clients of all ages, cultures, abilities and identities with openness, respect and honesty.


I have 30 years’ experience offering psychotherapy and counselling to adults.


Are you a young person feeling unsure where you belong? Maybe I can help.


If you’re a parent of child or adolescent, find out how I can help both you and your child.


Counselling is usually a briefer treatment to address specific behavioural problems or symptoms.


I am a qualified practitioner in Lifemusic – a life-changing way of working together in small groups, for fun and well-being.

This is not psychotherapy – however many participants describe its effects as empowering, restorative and life-affirming.

Lifemusic can also be used for team-building in corporate settings or for staff training to help professionals develop their own capacity for nurture, flexibility and self-care.

Other services

I also offer a number of other services. Click on the pictures to find out more.


I offer supervision to counsellors in training.


I run and facilitate workshops and courses for practitioners.

Public speaking

I am a keynote speaker and available to present at conferences and other events on mental health and wellbeing issues.

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